From God's heart. For God's world.

God loves God’s world, and we believe we’re called to enter that multi-dimensional love as a reconciled community living out the way of the cross. We live into and announce the reign of the humble King.



Our Core Convictions
The following convictions do not convey all that we believe, but they are core to who we are and express what we have come to hold dear:

From Creation to New Creation
We believe that God created a world of shalom – an ecosystem imbued with abundance, beauty, and mutuality. Creation was fractured by the tragedy of human sin. Despite humanity’s rebellion and insistence on self, God has moved and continues to move in history to restore humanity and all creation. On the cross, God in Jesus Christ defeated the powers of sin, death, and separation; in the resurrection, God inaugurated into being a new creation – the restoration of shalom. We believe that through Christ’s victory on the cross and His resurrection, God’s new creation has already broken into our present age, even as we await its fullness when Christ comes again in final victory.

Saved and Empowered by Grace
We believe that through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, sins are forgiven and people are made new. In our present day, we believe the Holy Spirit graces and empowers the people of God with charisms to live as a resurrection people witnessing to Jesus’ reign.

Living as Gospel Sign and Messenger
We believe that the church is called to embody and enact the good news of Jesus, serving as signs of the in-breaking new creation and as messengers of the goodness of Jesus’ Lordship. In this way, the church as a beloved community seeks peace, justice, life, and joy for all of creation.

Our Response
In response to God’s great love for us and for all of creation, we seek to join in the work of the Holy Spirit to joyfully do our part to witness to God’s vision as God brings it to fruition.

As a people baptized into Christ, we seek to be a body whose lifeblood is communal worship, proclaiming and rehearsing the story of God’s present and future victory over the powers of this world.

As a community of disciples living into the promise of shalom, we seek the Holy Spirit to work through our worship and prayer, forming our actions and loves so that Scripture can come alive in our time and place.

As God’s beloved, we seek our worship to be the work of the people, young and old, where all come together to offer their gifts in worship of a loving God.

As a community of disciples in covenant with one another, we are committed to pursuing Christ’s life-giving work together, trusting in the Spirit’s presence as our guide.

As a community pursuing the way of the cross, we seek the abundant life through interdependence and sacrificial love that follows the example of our Lord Jesus, thereby resisting mammon, individualism, and other powers that isolate us and tempt us to find our well-being solely in what we do and what we own.

As an intergenerational community, we seek to nurture our youth and children into growing into their deliverance and belovedness, taking part in corporate worship, and being co-followers of Jesus.

As a people sent out by God, we seek to live out our vocation as Christ’s ambassadors in every place our Lord sends us - in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and schools, in positions of obscurity and places of influence.

As citizens of God’s kingdom, we seek to join the kingdom movement of God’s peace and justice – political, economic, and environmental – particularly in solidarity with those at the margins.

As a community desiring to love our neighbors and creation, we seek the shalom of our world, city, and neighborhood, the Bayview, in partnership with surrounding churches and partners.



More than a decade on, still learning
More than a decade after first making our home in this diverse neighborhood of San Francisco, we’re still eagerly discovering and learning to participate in the work of God here.

Historical neglect. Development tensions. Fertile ground for the Kingdom
Bayview Hunters Point is a community of 35,000 in the southeast corner of San Francisco. Though it has its challenges—like any neighborhood—we’ve found it to be a place of welcome and just the right place to explore together life in the kingdom of God.

It's a place where Blacks, Asians, Latinos and Whites need to learn to live together.

A place where churches have been loving Jesus for generations but wonder what's in store for the future.

A place where we've experienced the hospitality of strangers and learned to practice our own.

A place where we're trying to be the good neighbors that Jesus wants us to be.

It's our place.




Equipping the Saints
Our church believes that the ministry belongs to the whole body of Christ, with each member gifted to do its part, and our staff have been charged to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” Ephesians 4:12.

While each member of our pastoral staff may have specific responsibilities, they minister as a team. They lead, teach, train, shepherd, and coordinate the ministry of the congregation.


Young-Ki Kim


Pastor Young-Ki Kim is serving as our Pastor. Young-Ki, a pastor's kid, found his faith in college and later joined Grace Fellowship in San Francisco. After working briefly in education and project management, he followed a call to full-time ministry and became a youth minister at Grace Fellowship. In 2023, he joined Redeemer as a pastor. He lives near Balboa Park with his wife and daughters and enjoys hiking and seeking out the flakiest kouign-amanns in nearby bakeries. He can be reached at


Debbie Gish


Debbie Gish is serving as our Administrator. She has been part of the Redeemer community for about a decade, and lives in the Mission District with her family. Although a social worker and mediator by profession, she has held several volunteer administrative positions for non-profits and is glad to help keep Redeemer's life together running smoothly.



Danny and Cindi Fong

Redeemer was planted and led by Pastor Danny Fong and Pastor Cindi Fong from 2002 to 2022. We are grateful for the 20+ years that Pastor Danny Fong and Pastor Cindi Fong faithfully served and shepherded this congregation. If you would like to reach them, inquire with the church by sending an email to